Thursday 9 August 2012

UltraViolet Film Review.

First of all, the effect of the film as soon as it starts makes you question what the film will hold and what it will bring to the table, so this leaves you with a feeling of not knowing what will happen. However, as the film gets further in you discover some hidden truths and the major plot that happens leaves you with feelings of sadness as it is about a woman who loses her child as she is very sick, so the overall feeling of the movie leaves you with mixed emotions of anger and sadness and sorrow for the woman whom is the main character.
The story line is about a woman who once was a human living in the far future being like the rest of the natural world, but then she gets very sick when she is with child, she had all that she ever wanted but then out of misfortune she got very sick and turned into a hemophage which is a vampire like symptom and after being infected you die 12 years, if you have not been cured. However this left the main character (Violet) with no child as she had been infected and her natural life destroyed, so she has set out trying to find a cure for herself but trying to overcome some obstacles which leads to a very action packed movie. Furthermore, she is stopped in her path by a human child who’s name is six as he is the sixth child out of eight that have been cloned from the main bad character Daxus who has genetically been created by the (government) like figures and Violets motherly instinct kicks in and she takes this child under her arm protecting him under any circumstances, little does she know that he is slowly dying as he has been infected by the chemicals that have been put in his body. Later the boy sadly passes away in the park that he wanted to play in before he died, however violet cries and a tear drop of hers drops onto his skin and later finds that he hadn’t died he had turned into a hemophage which had saved his life. When Violet finds this out, she goes to the main quarters of Daxus and kills anyone in her way to later find the boy and save his life and destroy Daxus, who also confesses he is a hemophage.
The main characters are very strong characters, there is Violet who is a very strong minded independent woman who doesn’t take no for an answer, she destroys anything in her path which can stop her from becoming human again.
Secondly, there is the main ‘bady’ called Daxus, he is a strong man that runs everything basically like the ‘government’ which is showing how corrupt everything is and controls everyone, he is a very strong male that comes across as it is his way or the highway.
Thirdly, Garth who is Violets very close friend that keeps an eye on her and happens to be in love with her, he is also a hemophage and is a brainy scientist that is constantly looking for a cure to be human again. He is a very nice polite character nothing like Violet.
Next, there is the rest of the hemophage group who just go on killing sprees trying to destroy the rest of humanity as they have been cursed to die within 12 years time so they are bitter characters.
Also, Six who is the child who is a clone of Daxus and is a quite boy as he doesn’t know what he is surrounded by yet he has basically been installed with all of Daxus emotions and he manages to speak which he shouldn’t be able to do and shows a very normal child like scared personality.
Violet is played by Milla Jovovich who is also starred in the Resident Evil films as the main character.
Daxus is played by Nick Chinlund who has also starred in many big American films such as Chronicles of Riddick with Vin Desiel and many more.
Six is played by Cameron Bright he has also starred in the very successful film the Butterfly effect, xmen the last stand and many more films.
Garth is played by William Fichtner, he is a very successful actor he starred in the very well known film Armageddon, the longest yard and the dark knight.
The Director of Ultra Violet is Kurt Wimmer, he is a german director and a very well known one at that he has also partook as a director/writer in Total recall,Salt,Salt 2, Law abiding citizen and many more.
The film genre is a very straight forward genre as it is an action packed film there is a lot of violence as Violet is trying to find a cure and saving this child called six. I have come to this conclusion because there is so much death in this film and how action packed it is, you wouldn’t really call it anything else, more over there is simply so much to the story line that wouldn’t make it anything else. There is vampires, violence, death and destruction.
There are some really great shots in this film for a reasonable cheap film at only $30 million. There are shots like a high angle shot where all the fighting and shooting is taking part on the roof constantly spinning round with the main character Violet, who is standing in the middle of a massive circle of people around her, shooting while she is flipping round the middle of the circle while they are all shooting eachother. So this could also be a pan shot as it is moving around a lot.
Also as the end of film, there is a ranged shot from when violet, garth and six are driving away from the exploding building which Daxus owned, it is like they are driving away from a viewing point and everything becomes bigger as they get closer, it is a very good shot to end a film on.
Personally, I think that everything is used so well at the right points in the film, such as when there is a sad scene on there is very dramatic sad music to fit the scene, for example when the child (six) has died in the park and Violet Is holding him in her arms and shedding one tear, it is a very sad scene that is required for sad music.
Then, when the appropriate scenes come on such as the violent scenes which are usually Violet trying to be assassinated very pumping up music comes on giving you that adrenaline for that scene.
The soundtrack was Clubbed to death the Kurayamino Edition
Well most of the production was filmed in various places in China, the most notable ones were Hong Kong and Shanghi. The setting of the film is very different everything was filmed on a high definition carmera and they managed to make everything look very futuristic such as the buildings in china are more futuristic looking then any other place in the world due to the Chinese/Japanese technology.
The costumes of the ultra violet cast, well are very anime so it fits in with the setting being in Japan/China. As violet is always dressed in tight leather either black/white or red this is a very typical female warrior sort of attire to a film of this standard, also she always carries her sword with her which is also very typically anime due to the style of it. The rest of the cast are mostly dressed in suits and looking smart. Lastly, the make up is mostly just on violet, they make her look very drained and dark eyes but very perfect skin alongside most of the cast they make them all look very unique and perfect.
Usually, with most films of the same genre they all usually have the same sort of story line or something very similar to each other so they do not stray to far from the norm. However with this film I find that they show female power of course which isn’t unusual now’a days but I find that this is a very unique film of its genre. Simply because the so called ‘Vampires’ can die out within 12 years of being infected, yet they aren’t vampires, they have the qualities of vampires, such as being very strong and strong minded and feeling invincible, yet they can die like any other person like humans. I think this is a film of its own and I find that its unique to any other film.
This is a totally different genre for Kurt to go down as he has Co-written films which are totally different to this action packed anime film, there has recently been the two Salt films which are more recent than Ultra violet, but personally I don’t find that the Salt films are as effecting as Ultra Violet, just due to it being so original and different.
Ultra Violet was released in North America in March, 2006 for the Critic reviews, unfortunately film critics didn’t really like the films itself only 7/76 gave the film a positive review which is a shame. One of the reviews said this ‘ ‘An comprehensible forgettable sci-fi thriller, Ultra violet is inept in every regard’’
The film was estimated to cost around $30 million and the film made out the box office with $31,070,211, so it wasn’t a good profit at all as the critic reviews put the film down a lot.
Well this is one of my favourite films because I find that is so different to any other film that I have seen before, the reviews really do not phase me, if I could review it professionally I would have to do it a whole load of good simply because I do not know another film like it. I think it is directed very well and the stars in the film do the book such justice as it is originally a book. I saw this film many years ago and it has just stuck, more over I love how much action and female power it shows, yet is shows emotion at the same time. Because now’a days all you see is man power without any motive behind trying to kill as many people as possible.

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